Custom Styling

Semantic UI

For styling our website in Volto we use Semantic UI. It uses LESS as the underlaying technology. By default Volto uses the Pastanaga theme but any theme can be used. A theme has the following folder structure:

  • assets

  • collections

  • elements

  • globals

  • modules

  • views

Variables and overrides files

The assets folder contains all the images and fonts. The other folders contain LESS files. Those less files are separate for each UI component. For example we have separate files for buttons. Each UI component has 2 files: a .variables file and an .overrides file. The .variables file contains all the predefined variables which you can override in your theme. If you want to do more specific customizations you can use the .overrides file to write your own LESS.


You can find the default definitions for all the available variables in the default theme components (the site component in the example) in two ways, by using the source code: node_modules/semantic-ui-less/themes/default/globals/site.variables or by checking it out on Github:


Similarly, you can take a look at the default styling on the default definitions, by using the source code: node_modules/semantic-ui-less/definitions/globals/site.less or by checking it out on Github:

In the globals folder we have the site.variables and site.overrides files which contain the site wide styling. If you want to customize something in the site component, you should create the globals folder and place inside one (or both) files (including the matching folder structure) in your theme folder.

Pastanaga UI Theme

Volto implements Pastanaga UI theme, a new theme for Content Management Systems created and designed by Albert Casado. For more info:

Volto look and feel is a Semantic UI theme that implements Pastanaga UI, called pastanaga and can be found in the Volto theme/themes/pastanaga directory.


You can find it in the source code: node_modules/@plone/volto/theme/themes/pastanaga or on Github:

Pastanaga Theme is an example on how to customize the default Semantic UI look and feel.

Examples: Changing Base Font

We start by creating the file theme/globals/site.variables. In this file we can override any value. We do not need to copy the whole file. We can add variables we would like to change. When we want to change the base font, we add the following:

@fontName : 'Comic Sans MS';

Make sure you have the 'Comic Sans MS' font installed. This is the 'ttf-mscorefonts-installer' package for the Debian linux distribution.

If you create a new file, the watcher won't be aware of it, you must restart the yarn start Volto process again.

You can also point it to any Google Web Font name like:

@fontName : 'Montserrat';

Changing The Breadcrumbs

Change the breadcrumbs so that the divider is pink in theme/collections/breadcrumb.variables:

@dividerColor: @pink;

Using Overrides

For features which are not supported in Semantic UI through the variables, we can use the overrides files. Update the breadcrumbs so that the links are underlined, then in theme/collections/breadcrumb.overrides:

.ui.breadcrumb a {
    text-decoration: underline;